Total items rewarded from The Suspicious Sarnak Super Soldiers: 1
The Case of the Suspicious Sarnak Super Soldiers
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This is a case file for the Suspicious Sarnak Super Soldiers of the Immortal Brigade. These elite soldiers guard the Chardok Palace.


Quest reward from [85] The Suspicious Sarnak Super Soldiers (Miscellaneous) (Heroic), started by an unknown NPC in Chardok.

Discovered on 1 Jul 2008 at 18:45:23 PDT.
This is quite odd. My adventures within the Di'Zok fortress city, Chardok, led me to the grand circus of the Chardok Palace. It was here at the gates of sarnak opulence that I encountered a new brigade of sarnak elite known as the Immortal Brigade.

It is no enigma that an elite brigade of sarnak would be restricted to the royal quarters of the city, but these elite happened to share the guise of the new breed of sarnak that only exists within the island city of Gorowyn located in the Timorous Deep. That island brood bears features unique to them. So far, my adventures in Kunark have shown me no evidence of that island brood existing beyond the temperate archipelago.
My conversations with the sarnak native to the Timorous Deep have never spawned evidence that the island brood had any association with the Di'Zokians of Kunark. Nay, it is quite the contrary. The island brood seems to know next to nothing of the Di'Zokians. However, the sarnak of Gorowyn know very little of their own origin.

The Immortal Brigade within Chardok are veiling a link with the island brood, I feel this to be certain. I will begin my investigation with an accessory to this cover up- the Gorowyn Brigade. If there are clues to be had, the priests and archimages of this other royal brigade must surely hold them. I shall uncover the secrets behind the suspicious sarnak super soldiers.
The royal guard, the Gorowyn Brigade, shares a name with the home city of the island brood of sarnak that inhabit the Timorous Deep. For this reason, I believed they would withhold some evidence needed to uncover the association between the Immortals and the island brood.

I decided to focus my efforts on the archimages and high priests of the Gorowyn Brigade. These castes tend to hold the most valuable secrets of sarnak civilizations. I was correct in this assumption! They were holding journals detailing the actions of the sarnak super soldiers of the Immortal Brigade.
I have discovered that the Gorowyn Brigade is charged with overseeing the Immortal Brigade. The high priests and archimages are to record all action of the super soldiers. They appear to be a new addition to the Di'Zok army.

Most of the journals record that the Immortals are stronger than the greatest sarnak. They also display superior discipline and have the ability to absorb martial skills at a higher rate. There is mention of artifacts of the first generation that are being examined by the Gorowyn Brigade. These artifacts will shed more light on this investigation.
I have examined numerous artifacts I found within the Chardok Palace. These particular artifacts revealed to a link between the Immortal Brigade and a first generation of sarnak super soldiers. This first generation was known as the Garrison of Gor.

The Garrison of Gor was comprised of but a hundred, but they proved equal to brigades many times larger. They became a legend in the early days of Chardok.
The Garrison of Gor was stationed at a military fortress built into Mount Gor. It was there that they were granted immortality by the first mutagenica priests. The Immortal Brigade follows this practice within the Halls of Eternity and the Righteous.

The Ritual of Immortality is granted to all new super soldiers of the Immortal Brigade. The high priests employ artifacts taken from the origin city in Mount Gor. The Halls of Eternity and the Righteous must hide evidence of the origin and fate of the Garrison of Gor.