Total items rewarded from Kurron's Legacy: 1
The Rise of the Luminaries
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Required by the Quest
'Kurron's Legacy'

Quest reward from [115] Kurron's Legacy (Sanctus Seru: Echelon of Divinity), started by Nelena Redember in Sanctus Seru [City] (-184, 82, 226).

Discovered on 17 Dec 2019 at 12:53:59 PST.
The Rise of the Luminaries

A Light For All to Look Upon
Not a lot of records from before Lord Triskian Seru's reign have surfaced, and some of those that have were damaged and only partially legible. The following collection of missives and letters pertain to the Inquisitorial Guard at the End of the Age of War, from first-hand witnesses.
Lord Inquisitor,

I feel I must offer my resignation, though I do so with great pain, and wish it were not so. I have believed in the higher purity of this city and the rule of law that had provided security and sustenance for us, for as long as I can remember. It filled my spirit with contentment to be a part of the Inquisitorial Guard. Then the Treaty of Recuso was ratified.
We had seen the suffering of others. Our neighbors pain was ours, and all life on this world hung in the balance. The treaty was necessary, and it pleases me that it was agreed upon. So then, why do I write? I pen this because still we cling to the old ways. Still we require our citizens to shun the pains and suffering of certain races. Seems the scars of the great Empire split are still with us.
I have been tasked with presenting the Questions to a citizen by the name of Kurron Redember. I am not sure I can carry out my orders, My Lord. I cannot say I believe in them, any longer. As such, I see no other alternative, I must offer my resignation.

Praesertum Inquisitor Marthos
Lord Inquisitor,

Marthos was just the beginning. More of the Inquisitorial Guard have been questioning their positions. They suggest we not prosecute citizens for sharing provisions with outsiders, even if they are dark races. I informed them the Treaty of Recuso only assured cooperation outside of the city walls. We need not weaken our position here.

Arx Praesertum Sagravres
He did it, my love! Lord Inquisitor Seru had finally had enough of the sedition and undermining by those he most trusted. They had questioned the righteousness of their actions, and the command of Lord Seru! He dispatched them all from this realm. Let them be judged by Mithaniel!

I now carry the mantle of Praesertum Inquisitor, and have been placed in charge of my own division. All of us have taken the oath, and we will not break it.
Following Inquisitor Lord Seru's tragic death, during the Prismatic Crystallization that splintered our world, his son, Triskian Seru, inherited the mantle of leadership. Lord Triskian Seru disbanded the Praesertum Inquisitors and put a stop to The Questions, ushering in a grand new age for the citizens of Sanctus Seru.
The following is the speech Lord Triskian Seru gave to the city after pardoning all of the surviving Recuso, and offering citizenship to any who wished to return to Sanctus Seru. I felt compelled to record for posterity, due to its historical significance and relation to the topic at hand.
Good people of Sanctus Seru, I stand before you this day, proud. I applaud your tenacity and your strength. We have seen dark days of war and felt the unknowable future on the horizon. We could have succumbed. We could have faltered. But we refused. All of us! We have emerged stalwart and valorous, a city of might and righteousness!
Remember those who fell, for where would we be if it were not for them? Keep the memories of those who were stolen from us, like my father, the revered Inquisitor Lord Seru, close to your hearts. Hold the lessons of their lives and share them with those who come after, for they will continue to guide.
Lastly, find those amongst you, the beacons of light that exemplify our holy vigilance against evil. They are the Luminaries! Look upon these paragons of gallantry and bravery. Let them guide you toward the light when the dark of this world threatens to surround us.
Together we will ensure the light is never dimmed! Together we will persevere!