Total items rewarded from Dimension Retention: 1
Glaciersmash Log
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Penned by Captain Lirprin


Quest reward from [90] Dimension Retention (Great Divide), started by Captain Bin Nalot in Great Divide.

Discovered on 22 Feb 2011 at 13:37:25 PST.
Glaciersmash Log

- Penned by Captain Lirprin
This is to certify that the Claciersmash, commissioned by Captain Nalot of the icebreaker, has been deemed sea worthy and all titles of ownership delivered to the intended party.
This fulfills the contractual obligation by the Steam Industry's Nautical Kontraptions Co. for 1 of 2 clanghull class sailing vessels.
This here be me first day as captain of this fine vessel. Next to the Icebreaker this be the most sea-worthy ship from stem to stern to be sailin' the Icelclad waters. The famed Cap'n Nalot assured me such when he sold her to me. Nearly emptied me coffers, but she's so worth it! I've hired a quartermaster and he's given his word as a pirate that well be able to set sail in a fortnight with a full crew. There's a stern full of work ahead for us, what with all the provisions, tools, weapons, and sailing materials we be needin' but I'm confident It'll get done.
The day has finally come! As I quill ink to page we are sailin' outta the safety of the port and into the frigid oceans. What adventures await us? What plunder will we return with? The excitement of exploration and unknown is overwhelming! Me quartermaster Lumrick was right, he was able to fill me crew, and less than half needed to be "convinced," as he put it. I've looked the bilge rats over meself and been impressed with the lot 'o 'em.
We returned to the Iceclad Islands yesterday, proving to all that Glaciersmash's maiden voyage was a success! She weathered attacks by both mortal and Prexus, alike. And we be carrying the plunder to prove it to one and all who be holdin' any doubt. 'Cource once we showed 'em the loot it be striking our minds that we had to be findin' a place to hide it. Now we be off to find that place 'tween rock and wall where we can stow it.
I guess I be not the penning type. Me life at sea be wondrous and exciting, not to mention, prosperous! I should be recording these tales upon these pages. The sands of time drop so smartly! Two full years it has been since me purchase of Glaciersmash. We've returned to Velious many a time to restock, visit the landlubbers and wenches and to stow our plunder. Life of a pirate, for me!
Somethin' bad be upon us, I be fearin'. Started several days back, as we be facing one of Prexus's, most mighty of storms, many of me hearties was lost to the waves. Nothin' unusual of that, but this time it were different. A creature of the deep were called to the ship like a shark to chummed waters! It were snatching men from the decks with ifs mighty tentacles, pulling them under!
Bilgeblast, our mage of 'munitions, strapped a barrel of boom powder to himself and jumped in after it. All hands on Glaciersmash felt the 'splosion rip through the waters under her decks. That be the last we set our eyes on dear Bilgeblast. And the last we saw of the tentacled beast of the deep, too. And with the rise of the next day, came calmer seas and clear skied. We honored those who were lost as we continued sailing back to Velious.
Two days later me lookout, by the name of Longarm, swore on his mother's blessed bonnet that he done spotted the damned seabeast in our wake. I told him and the rest 'o me crew that it were the vast amounts of rum that be playin' with his eyes, as sure as it were blushing his cheeks. It calmed me crew and got them back to their tasks, but it has unsettled me somethin' fierce. Longarm be a sharp-eyed seadog if ever there was one. If he says he saw it you can bet your blimey britches it be there!
I can only pray to the gods that we reach port 'fore it decides to strike once more, but if that be me fate and that of Glaciersmash, then we will face it. Me only regret will be that I had not the time to spend me hidden loot. Certain am I that I would have enjoyed that, very much!

~Cap'n Lirprin